10 Ways to Put an End to Rushed Mornings

The all too familiar chaotic morning...
You wake up exhausted, dreading the day ahead. Feeling defeated that you didn't get a full nights rest, you start pressing snooze a few more times to stay warm and cozy. With all the thoughts flooding in, wouldn't it be easier to procrastinate?
You start with coffee on an empty stomach, look at your phone right away for news and social media, race around to take care of a loved one, kids, or pets, and frantically watch clock realizing you now don't have time for a short walk or that 20 minute workout you were hoping would magically happen. You zoom out the door without eating a sufficient breakfast and start your day already feeling behind and with zero energy.
Does it have to be this way?
Is there a way you can CHOOSE how your morning goes?
Yes. Yes there is :)
It's about focusing on a few main aspects that contributes to a stable morning routine.
It's about giving yourself permission to take care you first, so you can then help others.
And no, it's not about getting up earlier or being perfect. It's about utilizing (and enjoying) your morning, plus calling yourself out when expectations are too high.
The key is to start the night before and ask yourself...
What do I need each morning to not feel rushed? What's stopping me from making this happen?
I truly believe rushed mornings happen when you aren't in control of routine.
It's time you got back in the driver seat of your morning and reclaim your joy, energy, and focus.
Prepare your breakfast - After dinner, begin to prepare your breakfast. You're already in the kitchen messing around with food, so why not just put together breakfast now?
I'm a big fan of overnight oats because it's so simple, healthy, tasty, and keeps me full until lunch. I put 1/2 cup of whole grain gluten-free oats in a stainless steel or glass container with a lid and add various toppings like chia seeds, ground flax seeds, almonds, dried cranberries, unsweetened coconut shreds, coconut oil, a pinch of salt, maple syrup, cardamom, and a banana. I leave it the fridge overnight (no liquid), and in the morning take it out, add about 1 1/2 cups of boiling water, place lid on top and let sit for 10 minutes, then enjoy! Bonus points for prepping your breakfast and lunch at the same time!
Tidy up the kitchen - Yes, do your dishes. I know you know how wonderful it feels to wake up to a clean kitchen. Just do it. Make it routine after dinner, you put away dinner, clear counters, and do the dishes leaving a nice sparkly clean, empty sink. Make it a family affair and do it together, put on some music to get a little dance session in, or listen to an audio book to help make the mundane task feel a wee bit fun.
Pack your day bag - What items will you need for the day? Gather up your things in a spot near the front door or in a corner of your bedroom. If it's a letter that needs to get mailed, something you bought that needs to get returned, a water bottle, a rain coat because you know it's supposed to rain, or your computer bag. Bonus points for picking out what you'll wear the next day.
Check your calendar - Short and sweet. Double check your calendar for any important notes, personal appointments, or work meetings. Set any phone reminders now that you may need the next day (to take one more thing off your "remember this!" list). This really helps to not be surprised or caught off guard about something you may have forgotten. You have an idea of what's to come tomorrow.
Also, write down any to-do items for the following day that may bother into your evening. "Brain dump" whatever is on your mind to get it out of your body and onto paper.
Tuck screens away by 9pm - This really makes a difference. Late night screen time leads to an anxiety induced morning, not to mention shitty sleep. Who wants that? Allow your eyes to adjust to dimmed lighting and feel the natural fatigue that comes an hour or so (maybe even 2 hours) before bed. When you decompress without screens, your body can naturally relax allowing you to feel safe and calm, which then leads to an easier time waking up rested and not so rushed. Yes please!
Snuggle into bed by 10pm - See what I wrote there? Snuggle. Doesn't that sound inviting?! You GET TO snuggle into bed each night. What a gift! Early to bed makes easier to wake up. Even if you're not a morning person, crawling into bed by at least 10pm will substantially increase your chances of getting a solid set of zzz's and have the ability to wake up with not too much fuss. Read a fun novel, stretch in bed, oil your feet, journal for 5 minutes, have sex or self-pleasure.
Resist pressing snooze - Not pressing snooze allows you to capture that natural rise of energy for the day. When you press snooze, stress dreams, anxiety, feeling rushed, and avoidance of the day can creep in. It can make you morning feel chaotic. When you hear the alarm, it's helpful to ask yourself, "What am I living for today?" This is an opportunity to set an intention, excitement or purpose. That right there can give you the nudge and motivation you need to get out of bed.
Place your alarm away from arms reach of bed so you have to physically get up to turn it off. Also, switch that obnoxious "alarm" to more of a pleasant sound like birds chirping or a favorite song.
Rest screens for first hour - Just like you did the night before, start your day phone free for the first hour. This is one of the biggest contributors of feeling rushed in the morning. The internet instantly connects you with so much information and you just woke up! Ease into the day by only giving your attention to that which is in your current environment. I like to say, wake up your body first THEN your mind. It has worked wonders for me and know it will for you too.
Step outside for morning rays - Not only does it feel good to stand and face the morning sun but it actually aligns your circadian rhythm which calms your energy, provides mental clarity, increases serotonin levels which boosts your mood, regulates your sleep, and strengthens your immune system. Best part? You only need 5 minutes without sunglasses. Even if it's cloudy, it works.
Have a little ritual for you - Waking up shouldn't only be about, "do this, do that" energy. Your morning is also a window of time to create a ritual for yourself. What would you like to do for yourself in to the morning? Maybe it's doing a crossword puzzle, drinking tea by the window in cozy chair, gently moving your body on your mat, listening to a guided meditation, or taking your dog for a walk in the cool air. Build in YOU time (don't just hope it will happen) and experience the rush of your mornings start to evaporate.
GOOD MORNING! I hope your next wake up is full of grounded energy, excitement for the day, and a sense of ease because you're in control of your morning flow!